Category Archives: Poultry

Betaine-HCl negatively influenced the gut barrier and ATP content of cells

Betaine-HCl negatively influenced the gut barrier and ATP content of cells compared to Betafin® S1 ...

Betafin® S1 natural betaine gives superior performance

Betafin® S1 natural betaine gives superior performance compared to synthetic anhydrous betaine and betaine HCl ...

Enviva™ Pro improves economic value of broiler diets

Technical Report Enviva Pro Trial site: Harper Adams University, UK Enviva Pro (75,000 cfu/g feed) ...

Improve growth and feed conversion of heat-stressed broilers with Betafin

Dehydration, due to heat stress, causes variation in growth and feed conversion of poultry. Betafin ...

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Enviva™ Pro improves economic value of corn based broiler diets compared to Zinc Bacitracin

Trial site: University of Pretoria, South Africa Enviva Pro (75,000 cfu/g of feed) improved cost ...

Probiotics – Developing a multi strain Bacillus solution for gut health in poultry

Introduction Matching a drive to improve performance whilst simultaneously controlling bacterial disease in livestock animals ...