Betafin® S1 natural betaine gives superior performance compared to synthetic anhydrous betaine and betaine HCl products of broilers in a heat stress model
Trial site: Massey University, New Zealand
Natural betaine has two roles in nutrition. As an osmoregulator it can protect cell enzyme systems and membranes from ionic inactivation during stress 1,2,4,5. As a methyl donor via transmethylation, it is more effective than other potential methyl group donors such as methionine and choline 1,2,4,8. Natural betaine benefits parameters such as bodyweight gain 1, 2, 8, feed utilisation and costs 1,2,8,9, carcass lean deposition 1,2,11 and litter size 10,12, with effects magnified at times of production stress (e.g. heat stress, coccidiosis challenge) 3,4,6,7.
- Previous research 1,2,3 has shown that betaine can help in alleviating the negative effects of heat stress on growth performance in domestic animals due to its osmolytic properties
- Betafin® S1 natural betaine supplementation significantly improved (P<0.05) liveweight gain of broilers in a heat stress model by 8.8%, in comparison to synthetic anhydrous betaine and betaine HCI products which only numerically improved liveweight by 6.4% and 6.3% respectively.
- Betafin® S1 natural betaine supplementat ion significantly improved (P<0.05) FCRc of broilers in a heat stress model by 11 points (6.6%), in comparison to synthetic anhydrous betaine and betaine HCI products which only numerically improved FCRc by 3 points (1 .8%) and 5 points (3.0%) respectively.
Results: Performance summary from 1-42 days of age. Heat stress from day 28 onwards
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