Stenelle van Marle takes up the Chemuniqué amino acid portfolio

Lanseria, South Africa – It is with mixed emotions that we announce Heinrich Jansen van ...


A more sustainable future for all

Zinpro’s 2022 Sustainability Report demonstrates the company’s commitment to sustainability and its progress in creating a more ...

April 2023 calendar wallpapers

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Chemuniqué, which was founded with a vision of ...

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Onward and upward

It is with immense pride and anticipation of great things to come that we would ...


Protease a significant contributor to sustainability

Crops grow, mature, and are harvested. The grains are processed to animal feed and fed ...

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Farewell and forward

Lanseria, South Africa – Chemuniqué announces the resignation of two valuable members of the ruminant ...