Category Archives: Ruminant

Biosecurity: Keeping out the ‘black’ sheep

Things could be so much easier if sick or infected animals turned black to be ...

Hybrid vigour for cattle in extensive systems

Hybrid vigour, synonymous to heterosis, has always been a popular subject at a braai, but ...

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These hooves are made for walking

Dairy farmers run the risk of enormous economic losses as a result of lameness. Optimum ...

Ruminal parakeratosis – What does the rumen tell us?

co-authored by Prof. L Prozesky Ruminal parakeratosis refers to hardening of ruminal papillae and is ...

BRD in the feedlot: Prevention is better than cure

When it comes to bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in the feedlot, the old aphorism, “An ...

Getting your rams ready to breed? Zinc them up!

To produce a healthy lamb crop each season, you need a ram that can get ...