Category Archives: Beef & sheep

BRD in the feedlot: Prevention is better than cure

When it comes to bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in the feedlot, the old aphorism, “An ...

Getting your rams ready to breed? Zinc them up!

To produce a healthy lamb crop each season, you need a ram that can get ...

Top 10 tips for reproduction (from the 2019 ARSBC conference)

Main photograph by Wikus van der Merwe. The 2019 Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle ...

Mineral feeding for year round performance

Macro- and trace minerals play a key role daily in the lives of humans and ...

Breaking the silence of the lambs: The reality of pre-weaning mortalities

Farmers sometimes need to have conversations about the finer management practices required to optimise production. ...

Sustainable, effective nutrition

Over the years, great strides have been made in the livestock industry, resulting in improvements ...