Category Archives: Beef & sheep

Blissful bull fertility

“Mom, Dad … where do calves come from?” Calves, babies… where do they come from? ...

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Is there a place for chromium supplementation in sheep nutrition?

Chromium. The nutrient of the 90s. The next big thing. What else has been said ...

The multifactorial labyrinth of calf health

Calf health has a considerable effect on the economic sustainability of beef production systems, with ...

Generational Nutrition™

As a proportion of total pregnancy loss, embryonic loss in the first month of gestation ...

The five domains of animal welfare

Farmers tend to worry when experts start talking about animal welfare. It bothers us because ...

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Adapting to the unpredictable (climate) storm

Max McKeown said, “All failure is failure to adapt, all success is successful adaptation.” While ...