Celebrating 25 years of Chemuniqué
This year marks the 25th anniversary of Chemuniqué, which was founded with a vision of delivering new nutritional technologies that could improve efficiencies and reduce the cost of locally produced animal protein. From the early beginnings of Hochfeld Fine Chemicals, and then Chemuniqué, the founders of the company have shown a dedication to excellence that has stood the team in good stead over the past 25 years, and counting …
Chemuniqué exists to serve feed and food producers, to improve their sustainability and efficiency in contributing to food security for the people of our region. We are proud to present the 2023 calendar and associated desktop wallpapers, which were developed in conjunction with Jack Hochfeld, photographer and brother of Steve Hochfeld, a co-founding member of Chemuniqué. We hope that these scenes of the southern African bushveld and its animal inhabitants will inspire and motivate you in your own journey towards excellence. Please enjoy this month’s selection of desktop wallpapers, available for you to download here.
“Knowledge is garden. If it isn’t cultivated, you can’t harvest it.“―African proverb
Download your favourite wallpaper today and watch this space for a new selection every month.
Please note that these images are protected by copyright and users of our website are not permitted to use, reproduce, or distribute any images without express consent from the copyright holder. Jack Hochfeld Photography specialises in wildlife, nature, landscape, and fine art photography. Many of the images reflect Jack’s passion for nature, wildlife, light and life – the essence of his photography. Jack has published two books, Inspired by life in 2008 and One Part Light in 2019. If you are interested in ordering any of these images as a fine art signed print, please contact the photographer, Jack Hochfeld, via his website: www.inspiredbylife.com.au
Robyn Joubert is the marketing manager at Chemuniqué, contact Robyn at 074 252 3333 / robyn@chemunique.co.za.