“Additional benefits include increased calf weaning weights and enhanced herd health.”
Trace mineral supplementation has always presented a challenge to beef producers remains an important consideration. Many questions are asked as to when trace mineral supplementation should be provided, what form of minerals should be used and how supplementation will influence production and profits.
Zinpro Performance Minerals® are produced through a patented process and meet five specific and essential criteria in terms of research, response, repeatability, return and reassurance.
The figure below illustrates how zinc and copper status fluctuate during the production cycle. Critical time periods in production include stress of late gestation, calving, peak lactation and rebreeding. Availa®4 offers a combination of trace minerals, zinc, manganese, copper and cobalt, which are important for immune response, a multitude of enzyme functions, foetal development and reproduction. Zinpro recommends Availa®4
at the rate of 7g per head daily, beginning 60 days pre-calving through 60 to 80 days post-calving.
Research trials using Availa®4 have shown the following results:
- More cows cycling 45 days after calving bred 10 days earlier than those fed either sulphate mineral forms or no added trace minerals. Cows fed complexed trace minerals in five different trials had an average of 15 fewer days to conception.
- Complexed trace minerals provide the greatest effect early in the breeding season. In three trials, both first-calf heifers and mature cows fed Zinpro Performance Minerals® had higher AI conception rates than those fed equal levels of inorganic minerals.
- Heifers fed organic zinc and copper (components of Availa®4) had increased ova production when they were synch ronised and underwent a superovulation programme.
- Feeding more bioavailab le trace minerals to lactating cows improved milk production in first-calf beef heifers.
Additional benefits include increased calf weaning weights and enhanced herd health. Antibody titer responses to vaccinations have increased in cattle consuming bioavailable trace minerals, indicating improved immunity. Maintaining adequate trace mineral status in the cow herd with Zinpro Performance Minerals® can influence reproduction, herd health, calf performance and profitability.
Zinpro and Chemunique are committed to improving the trace mineral status of your beef herd. Talk to your nutritionist or feed sales representative about the inclusion of Zinpro Performance Minerals® in your beef cattle mineral supplements.
Chemuniqué empowers feed and food producers with the most innovative animal performance solutions, enabling our clients to consistently advance the efficiency of production.